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Joint summer school EPFL - ETH on earthquake mechanics

ETH Zürich, 18th - 21st of July, 2022. Zürich, Switzerland.

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This is a 4-day summer school co-organized by ETH and EPFL which will cover some of the most recent advances in research regarding our understanding of earthquake mechanics and aseismic slip, with a strong emphasis on physics-based models and their capability of reproducing geophysical observations. During the 4 days, we will be discussing some of the fundamentals of fracture, friction, and elastodynamics, with a special focus on their application in the development of physics-based models of fault slip. In addition, we will try to tackle all of the recent advances and challenges in our understanding of earthquake source processes from a geophysical observational point of view. The goal is to bring together mechanicians and geophysicists in an effort to foster the interaction and exchange of ideas between both fields. The content of the course includes a set of lectures providing graduate students with cutting-edge knowledge in the subject and a poster session to encourage discussions and potential collaborations between attendees.

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